Joint name matching
Online will match records to suppression products that have been supplied with a joint name. If your input file contains joint names and you need to understand which of these names has matched please ensure your job is configured as below.
1. In the matching options of your selected services, select the required certainty level, here we have selected 'Surname' as often joint name records will only contain a surname such as Mr & Mrs Smith, for example. However, you can set this to Initial or Forename if your data contains this level of information.
2. Map your input name field to the Full Name field in the input file mapping step.
3. On the output file mapping step you will need to select the 'Name Matched' column for each service you've selected
Once your job has processed the output file will contain a 'Name Matched' for each of your services with a value of 1 or 2, signifying the first or second name in the Name field as per the order provided, all of the below records have matched to a 'Mr' record, apart from URN 3, which has matched to a 'Mrs'.
The same applies if your data contains an initial or forename:
Mr & Mrs James & Jane Smith 1 = James matched to product
Mr & Mrs Alice & Bob Jones 2 = Bob matched to product
If within your file you have data such as 'Mr & Mrs Jane Smith', and you are matching at forename level, the name matched column can be ignored, because for this record at forename level the only possible match is the one name within the name field, Jane, regardless of the additional as this is not a necessary condition of a match.