Activate your SYNC account When you have receive your email titled "Sagacity Sync - New User Account Created" please make note of your username and visit format = Email Address i.e. setup before the 21st May 2024 will be your email but with all special characters replaced with underscores, i.e. your_name_yourcompany_com if you would like to change to the new format please contact From the Login screen select "Forgot password". Enter you username received in the email mentioned previously and select "Send Reset Code" You will now receive an email titled "Email Verification Code for user". Copy the authentication code and click the reset-password link on the email. Enter your authentication code and a new password and select "update Password & Login" Passwords must be a minimum of 12 characters and include at least, one upper + one Lower + one number + one special character You should now be be set up on SYNC.